Thursday, 12 July 2012

Olympics : Death Guaranteed!

According to sources in the know, these wonderful Zill lanes (or Olympic Lanes as we have to call them) are for Olympic Athletes, Officials and Sponsors only.


NOBODY else can use them.

And that includes the Emergency Services, who will now need to queue up with the rest of us monkeys in the other available lane.

Let’s hope there aren’t too many deaths caused by ambulances and police cars being tied up behind buses and pizza delivery vans then.


Anonymous said...

Bollocks to these cursed,skanking,ripoff,olympic "games".Who do these scum think they are,making us pay for this load of shit against our wishes.The likes of Coe (real name cohen)and Cameron are sitting there pissing themselves laughing because we are so stupid for letting these criminals get away with this crime.G4S are ripping us off for nearly 300 million after concocting the dirty deed with Cameron and his vile unelected "goverment".How much have these mafia bastards spirited away !I am not in the remotest bit interested in their fraudulent scam,so why should I have to fork out money for it.

Anonymous said...

I agree,
What a load of self gratifying crap
this is.As many Arthur daleys as possible trying to jump on the bandwagon to make a bit of a rip
off on everything that they can.Talk about profiteering off the
stupid sheep masses,my arse boils!

Anonymous said...

I agree,
What a load of self gratifying crap
this is.As many Arthur daleys as possible trying to jump on the bandwagon to make a bit of a rip
off on everything that they can.Talk about profiteering off the
stupid sheep masses,my arse boils!