Thursday, 13 September 2012

Interwebs comes to us

At last! After waiting 6 weeks since we moved into our new lovely flat, we finally have a phone line and internet connection.

I do not have any idea why it took them so long. But it did.

And, typically, an engineer is booked for coming around tomorrow to set us up.

But we already are. A day sooner than they said. Arsebuckets.

Everything set up, all system are go!


Monday, 10 September 2012

For those….

Who had become upset at my previous posting around the Paralympics and disabled people in question.

It was supposed to provoke that reaction. I wanted you to see what happens when a certain pet type demographic (the disabled) were given all the praise etc. But compared to what they usually experience – derision, patronisation etc.

I bowed to peer pressure this time.