Sunday 23 March 2008

Cut the Carbons! They are causing Global Warming!

So as I look out of my front door this morning, I see the continued growth of plants that usually thrive in hot countries. There cannot be any clearer indication of how farting cows are causing global warming. Yes, you read that right. Farting Cows.
Actually, that's not quite right. What they said was:

"Britain's finest scientific minds have turned their attention to a problem that they claim is threatening the future of the entire planet - farm animal flatulence"
Let's think about this for a second..... Blame stuff on grass-chewing animals. Perfect. That way the nutters can combine the cult of global warming with veganism, if that's a word.
Actually, no. Hold on again. If this is the sort of crap coming out of Britain's finest scientific minds then surely this is a great opportunity to round them all up, put them in a field and machine-gun the bastards. Why aren't they turning their minds towards more important stuff: cure for cancer; establishing colonies on other planets/moons; eradicating devastating diseases such as Malaria; Solution to the energy crisis and over-dependence on fascist Arab monarchies? Oh no, stuff all that. Let's look at farting farm animals. FFS.
What killed off the dinosaurs? A big meteorite? Farts? I mean, how mentalist must you be to go along with this sort of rubbish?
Anways, back to the bit of snow we've had today. I suspect the entire transport system will have collapsed in a heap. Can't be bothered looking.

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