Tuesday 3 June 2008


Hot on the heals whereby the police tell bible preachers that they can't do so because they are in a muslim area, we get this:

Don't go arresting or prosecuting fanatical muslims. Oh no. Poor dears are just slightly bonkers mental and therefore need a nice spot of therapy. Yes, they aren't the criminals trying to destroy our country. They're the VICTIMS. Poor little things. How dare you have the audacity to get blown up by them! You islamophobe.

All care of our loony leftie / communist statist goverment.

And now we have one who says he was only going to blow up a small bomb as a publicity stunt for this anti-American you-tube film. I mean, for Christ's sake. Am I going mad here??? Where is the outrage from the public over this total and complete bullshit coming out of the government?

Anger level very high! Must go and play GTA4!!!!

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