Wednesday 23 February 2011

Move your ass!

Well, saw a place in what is known as “East Croydon” which, I hear, is “South” of “Teh Rivah” in the sunny hamlet of Lon Don.

So that’s where I’ll be for the foreseeable future.

Which, I might add, is looking rather good. Well, very very good actually.

It’s in the “nice” part of Croy Don, which means far fewer stabbings, murders and unfortunate accidents with pot noodles.


And the little place I’m renting will have a rocking chair.


Best whip out my knitting and get going on that enormous hat I’ve always wanted!

If you want to stay over, please send £5 to me care of Teh Idiot. Hah hahahahhaa. Insane screaming.

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