Sunday, 15 April 2012

Food With Friend’s

In Brighton on a very rainy and windy Bank Holiday Monday and we were searching for somewhere warm to sit. Decided to go into a sort of funky left-wing organic coffee shop for an afternoon tea:


Looks like they sort of tried to erase the apostrophe on “tea’s” but probably left it because they weren’t sure.


And when do you actually BAKE tea? I use a kettle. That’s probably why I can rustle up a nice cup of tea in 2 minutes for less than 5p, and theirs cost £4.99!!!!

So, a vegan cafe.

I wanted bacon.

Did they offer it?

Did they bugger!

It’s always the same with these people isn’t it? They come over to you for dinner and YOU are expected to cook something vegetarian or vegan or some other stupid thing, as well as meat ahoy for yourselves, but go round to theirs for dinner and do THEY cook up a rack of ribs or a nice leg of lamb for YOU? Ha, do they fuck.

So next time any veganist comes around mine they’ll get what I’m cooking. MEAT. Don’t like it, well go drink some tea’s with bacon in it!

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